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EventEmitter class

A class that orchestrates the emission of events.


  • This class provides a mechanism for emitting and propagating events to subscribers. It is designed to handle string-named events with positional and keyword arguments, as well as instances of dataclass objects and Exception objects.

  • This class focuses only on the event emission logic, while the event linker class manages the linkage of events and their responses, and the event processor (a.k.a. processing service) executes the event propagation.

Source code in pyventus/events/emitters/
class EventEmitter:
    A class that orchestrates the emission of events.


    -   This class provides a mechanism for emitting and propagating events to subscribers.
        It is designed to handle `string-named` events with positional and keyword arguments,
        as well as instances of `dataclass` objects and `Exception` objects.

    -   This class focuses only on the event emission logic, while the event linker class
        manages the linkage of events and their responses, and the event processor (a.k.a.
        processing service) executes the event propagation.

    class EventEmission:
        Represents an event emission that has been triggered but whose propagation is not yet complete.

        This class provides a self-contained context for executing the event emission, encapsulating both the
        event data and the associated subscribers. It acts as an isolated unit of work to asynchronously propagate
        the emission of an event. When an event occurs, the `EventEmitter` class creates an `EventEmission`
        instance, which is then processed by the event processor to handle the event propagation.

        # Attributes for the EventEmission
        __slots__ = ("__id", "__event", "__subscribers", "__args", "__kwargs", "__timestamp", "__debug")

        def __init__(
            event: str,
            subscribers: set[EventSubscriber],
            args: tuple[Any, ...],
            kwargs: dict[str, Any],
            debug: bool,
        ) -> None:
            Initialize an instance of `EventEmission`.

            :param event: The name of the event being emitted.
            :param subscribers: A set of subscribers associated with the event.
            :param args: Positional arguments containing event-specific data.
            :param kwargs: Keyword arguments containing event-specific data.
            :param debug: Indicates whether debug mode is enabled.
            if not event:  # pragma: no cover
                raise PyventusException("The 'event' argument cannot be None or empty.")

            if not subscribers:  # pragma: no cover
                raise PyventusException("The 'subscribers' argument cannot be None or empty.")

            # Define and set the event emission attributes
            self.__id: str = str(uuid4())
            self.__event: str = event
            self.__subscribers: set[EventSubscriber] = subscribers
            self.__args: tuple[Any, ...] = args
            self.__kwargs: dict[str, Any] = kwargs
            self.__timestamp: datetime =
            self.__debug: bool = debug

        def __repr__(self) -> str:
            Retrieve a string representation of the instance.

            :return: A string representation of the instance.
            return formatted_repr(
                    timestamp=self.__timestamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %I:%M:%S %p"),

        def id(self) -> str:  # pragma: no cover
            Retrieve the unique identifier of the event emission.

            :return: The unique identifier of the event emission.
            return self.__id

        def event(self) -> str:  # pragma: no cover
            Retrieve the name of the emitted event.

            :return: The name of the event.
            return self.__event

        def timestamp(self) -> datetime:  # pragma: no cover
            Retrieve the timestamp when the event emission was created.

            :return: The timestamp when the event emission was created.
            return self.__timestamp

        async def __call__(self) -> None:
            Execute the subscribers concurrently.

            :return: None.
            # Log the event execution if debug mode is enabled
            if self.__debug:
                StdOutLogger.debug(source=summarized_repr(self), action="Executing:", msg=f"{self}")

            # Execute the subscribers concurrently
            await gather(
                *[subscriber.execute(*self.__args, **self.__kwargs) for subscriber in self.__subscribers],

            # Perform cleanup by deleting unnecessary references
            del self.__id, self.__event, self.__subscribers, self.__args, self.__kwargs, self.__timestamp, self.__debug

    # Attributes for the EventEmitter.
    __slots__ = ("__event_processor", "__event_linker", "__logger")

    def __init__(
        event_processor: ProcessingService,
        event_linker: type[EventLinker] = EventLinker,
        debug: bool | None = None,
    ) -> None:
        Initialize an instance of `EventEmitter`.

        :param event_processor: The processing service object used to handle the event propagation.
        :param event_linker: Specifies the type of event linker used to manage and access
            events along with their corresponding subscribers. Defaults to `EventLinker`.
        :param debug: Specifies the debug mode for the logger. If `None`, it is determined
            based on the execution environment.
        :raises PyventusException: If the `event_processor` argument is invalid or if
            the `event_linker` argument is invalid.
        # Validate the event_processor instance.
        if event_processor is None or not isinstance(event_processor, ProcessingService):
            raise PyventusException("The 'event_processor' argument must be an instance of ProcessingService.")

        # Validate the event_linker class.
        if event_linker is None or not issubclass(event_linker, EventLinker):
            raise PyventusException("The 'event_linker' argument must be a subtype of the EventLinker class.")

        # Validate the debug argument.
        if debug is not None and not isinstance(debug, bool):
            raise PyventusException("The 'debug' argument must be a boolean value.")

        # Store the event_processor instance.
        self.__event_processor: ProcessingService = event_processor

        # Set the event_linker class.
        self.__event_linker: type[EventLinker] = event_linker

        # Create and store logger.
        self.__logger: Logger = Logger(source=self, debug=debug if debug is not None else bool(gettrace() is not None))

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        Retrieve a string representation of the instance.

        :return: A string representation of the instance.
        return formatted_repr(

    def emit(self, /, event: EmittableEventType, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
        Emit an event and notifies all registered subscribers.


        -   When emitting `dataclass` objects or `Exception` objects, they are automatically
            passed to the subscribers as the first positional argument, even if you pass
            additional `*args` or `**kwargs`.

        -   If there are subscribers registered to the global event `...` (also known
            as `Ellipsis`), they will be notified each time an event is emitted.

        :param event: The event to be emitted. It can be `str`, a `dataclass`
            object, or an `Exception` object.
        :param args: Positional arguments containing event-specific data.
        :param kwargs: Keyword arguments containing event-specific data.
        :return: None
        # Raise an exception if the event is None.
        if event is None:
            raise PyventusException("The 'event' argument cannot be None.")

        # Raise an exception if the event is a type.
        if isinstance(event, type):
            raise PyventusException("The 'event' argument cannot be a type.")

        # Get the valid event name
        event_name: str = self.__event_linker.get_valid_event_name(
            event=(event if isinstance(event, str | EllipsisType) else type(event))

        # Get the set of subscribers associated with the event, removing one-time subscribers.
        subscribers: set[EventSubscriber] = self.__event_linker.get_subscribers_from_events(
            event_name, Ellipsis, pop_onetime_subscribers=True

        # If there are no subscribers for the event, log a
        # debug message if debug mode is enabled and exit.
        if not subscribers:
            if self.__logger.debug_enabled:
                self.__logger.debug(action="Emitting:", msg=f"No subscribers registered for the event '{event_name}'.")

        # Create a new EventEmission instance to handle the event propagation.
        event_emission = EventEmitter.EventEmission(
            args=(args if isinstance(event, str | EllipsisType) else (event, *args)),

        # Log the event emission if debug mode is enabled.
        if self.__logger.debug_enabled:
            self.__logger.debug(action="Emitting:", msg=f"{event_emission}")

        # Delegate the event emission execution to the event processor.



Represents an event emission that has been triggered but whose propagation is not yet complete.

This class provides a self-contained context for executing the event emission, encapsulating both the event data and the associated subscribers. It acts as an isolated unit of work to asynchronously propagate the emission of an event. When an event occurs, the EventEmitter class creates an EventEmission instance, which is then processed by the event processor to handle the event propagation.

Source code in pyventus/events/emitters/
class EventEmission:
    Represents an event emission that has been triggered but whose propagation is not yet complete.

    This class provides a self-contained context for executing the event emission, encapsulating both the
    event data and the associated subscribers. It acts as an isolated unit of work to asynchronously propagate
    the emission of an event. When an event occurs, the `EventEmitter` class creates an `EventEmission`
    instance, which is then processed by the event processor to handle the event propagation.

    # Attributes for the EventEmission
    __slots__ = ("__id", "__event", "__subscribers", "__args", "__kwargs", "__timestamp", "__debug")

    def __init__(
        event: str,
        subscribers: set[EventSubscriber],
        args: tuple[Any, ...],
        kwargs: dict[str, Any],
        debug: bool,
    ) -> None:
        Initialize an instance of `EventEmission`.

        :param event: The name of the event being emitted.
        :param subscribers: A set of subscribers associated with the event.
        :param args: Positional arguments containing event-specific data.
        :param kwargs: Keyword arguments containing event-specific data.
        :param debug: Indicates whether debug mode is enabled.
        if not event:  # pragma: no cover
            raise PyventusException("The 'event' argument cannot be None or empty.")

        if not subscribers:  # pragma: no cover
            raise PyventusException("The 'subscribers' argument cannot be None or empty.")

        # Define and set the event emission attributes
        self.__id: str = str(uuid4())
        self.__event: str = event
        self.__subscribers: set[EventSubscriber] = subscribers
        self.__args: tuple[Any, ...] = args
        self.__kwargs: dict[str, Any] = kwargs
        self.__timestamp: datetime =
        self.__debug: bool = debug

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        Retrieve a string representation of the instance.

        :return: A string representation of the instance.
        return formatted_repr(
                timestamp=self.__timestamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %I:%M:%S %p"),

    def id(self) -> str:  # pragma: no cover
        Retrieve the unique identifier of the event emission.

        :return: The unique identifier of the event emission.
        return self.__id

    def event(self) -> str:  # pragma: no cover
        Retrieve the name of the emitted event.

        :return: The name of the event.
        return self.__event

    def timestamp(self) -> datetime:  # pragma: no cover
        Retrieve the timestamp when the event emission was created.

        :return: The timestamp when the event emission was created.
        return self.__timestamp

    async def __call__(self) -> None:
        Execute the subscribers concurrently.

        :return: None.
        # Log the event execution if debug mode is enabled
        if self.__debug:
            StdOutLogger.debug(source=summarized_repr(self), action="Executing:", msg=f"{self}")

        # Execute the subscribers concurrently
        await gather(
            *[subscriber.execute(*self.__args, **self.__kwargs) for subscriber in self.__subscribers],

        # Perform cleanup by deleting unnecessary references
        del self.__id, self.__event, self.__subscribers, self.__args, self.__kwargs, self.__timestamp, self.__debug


id property
id: str

Retrieve the unique identifier of the event emission.


The unique identifier of the event emission.

event property
event: str

Retrieve the name of the emitted event.


The name of the event.

timestamp property
timestamp: datetime

Retrieve the timestamp when the event emission was created.


The timestamp when the event emission was created.


__init__(event: str, subscribers: set[EventSubscriber], args: tuple[Any, ...], kwargs: dict[str, Any], debug: bool) -> None

Initialize an instance of EventEmission.


The name of the event being emitted.

TYPE: str


A set of subscribers associated with the event.

TYPE: set[EventSubscriber]


Positional arguments containing event-specific data.

TYPE: tuple[Any, ...]


Keyword arguments containing event-specific data.

TYPE: dict[str, Any]


Indicates whether debug mode is enabled.

TYPE: bool

Source code in pyventus/events/emitters/
def __init__(
    event: str,
    subscribers: set[EventSubscriber],
    args: tuple[Any, ...],
    kwargs: dict[str, Any],
    debug: bool,
) -> None:
    Initialize an instance of `EventEmission`.

    :param event: The name of the event being emitted.
    :param subscribers: A set of subscribers associated with the event.
    :param args: Positional arguments containing event-specific data.
    :param kwargs: Keyword arguments containing event-specific data.
    :param debug: Indicates whether debug mode is enabled.
    if not event:  # pragma: no cover
        raise PyventusException("The 'event' argument cannot be None or empty.")

    if not subscribers:  # pragma: no cover
        raise PyventusException("The 'subscribers' argument cannot be None or empty.")

    # Define and set the event emission attributes
    self.__id: str = str(uuid4())
    self.__event: str = event
    self.__subscribers: set[EventSubscriber] = subscribers
    self.__args: tuple[Any, ...] = args
    self.__kwargs: dict[str, Any] = kwargs
    self.__timestamp: datetime =
    self.__debug: bool = debug
__call__ async
__call__() -> None

Execute the subscribers concurrently.



Source code in pyventus/events/emitters/
async def __call__(self) -> None:
    Execute the subscribers concurrently.

    :return: None.
    # Log the event execution if debug mode is enabled
    if self.__debug:
        StdOutLogger.debug(source=summarized_repr(self), action="Executing:", msg=f"{self}")

    # Execute the subscribers concurrently
    await gather(
        *[subscriber.execute(*self.__args, **self.__kwargs) for subscriber in self.__subscribers],

    # Perform cleanup by deleting unnecessary references
    del self.__id, self.__event, self.__subscribers, self.__args, self.__kwargs, self.__timestamp, self.__debug



__init__(event_processor: ProcessingService, event_linker: type[EventLinker] = EventLinker, debug: bool | None = None) -> None

Initialize an instance of EventEmitter.


The processing service object used to handle the event propagation.

TYPE: ProcessingService


Specifies the type of event linker used to manage and access events along with their corresponding subscribers. Defaults to EventLinker.

TYPE: type[EventLinker] DEFAULT: EventLinker


Specifies the debug mode for the logger. If None, it is determined based on the execution environment.

TYPE: bool | None DEFAULT: None


If the event_processor argument is invalid or if the event_linker argument is invalid.

Source code in pyventus/events/emitters/
def __init__(
    event_processor: ProcessingService,
    event_linker: type[EventLinker] = EventLinker,
    debug: bool | None = None,
) -> None:
    Initialize an instance of `EventEmitter`.

    :param event_processor: The processing service object used to handle the event propagation.
    :param event_linker: Specifies the type of event linker used to manage and access
        events along with their corresponding subscribers. Defaults to `EventLinker`.
    :param debug: Specifies the debug mode for the logger. If `None`, it is determined
        based on the execution environment.
    :raises PyventusException: If the `event_processor` argument is invalid or if
        the `event_linker` argument is invalid.
    # Validate the event_processor instance.
    if event_processor is None or not isinstance(event_processor, ProcessingService):
        raise PyventusException("The 'event_processor' argument must be an instance of ProcessingService.")

    # Validate the event_linker class.
    if event_linker is None or not issubclass(event_linker, EventLinker):
        raise PyventusException("The 'event_linker' argument must be a subtype of the EventLinker class.")

    # Validate the debug argument.
    if debug is not None and not isinstance(debug, bool):
        raise PyventusException("The 'debug' argument must be a boolean value.")

    # Store the event_processor instance.
    self.__event_processor: ProcessingService = event_processor

    # Set the event_linker class.
    self.__event_linker: type[EventLinker] = event_linker

    # Create and store logger.
    self.__logger: Logger = Logger(source=self, debug=debug if debug is not None else bool(gettrace() is not None))


emit(event: EmittableEventType, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None

Emit an event and notifies all registered subscribers.


  • When emitting dataclass objects or Exception objects, they are automatically passed to the subscribers as the first positional argument, even if you pass additional *args or **kwargs.

  • If there are subscribers registered to the global event ... (also known as Ellipsis), they will be notified each time an event is emitted.


The event to be emitted. It can be str, a dataclass object, or an Exception object.

TYPE: EmittableEventType


Positional arguments containing event-specific data.



Keyword arguments containing event-specific data.




Source code in pyventus/events/emitters/
def emit(self, /, event: EmittableEventType, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
    Emit an event and notifies all registered subscribers.


    -   When emitting `dataclass` objects or `Exception` objects, they are automatically
        passed to the subscribers as the first positional argument, even if you pass
        additional `*args` or `**kwargs`.

    -   If there are subscribers registered to the global event `...` (also known
        as `Ellipsis`), they will be notified each time an event is emitted.

    :param event: The event to be emitted. It can be `str`, a `dataclass`
        object, or an `Exception` object.
    :param args: Positional arguments containing event-specific data.
    :param kwargs: Keyword arguments containing event-specific data.
    :return: None
    # Raise an exception if the event is None.
    if event is None:
        raise PyventusException("The 'event' argument cannot be None.")

    # Raise an exception if the event is a type.
    if isinstance(event, type):
        raise PyventusException("The 'event' argument cannot be a type.")

    # Get the valid event name
    event_name: str = self.__event_linker.get_valid_event_name(
        event=(event if isinstance(event, str | EllipsisType) else type(event))

    # Get the set of subscribers associated with the event, removing one-time subscribers.
    subscribers: set[EventSubscriber] = self.__event_linker.get_subscribers_from_events(
        event_name, Ellipsis, pop_onetime_subscribers=True

    # If there are no subscribers for the event, log a
    # debug message if debug mode is enabled and exit.
    if not subscribers:
        if self.__logger.debug_enabled:
            self.__logger.debug(action="Emitting:", msg=f"No subscribers registered for the event '{event_name}'.")

    # Create a new EventEmission instance to handle the event propagation.
    event_emission = EventEmitter.EventEmission(
        args=(args if isinstance(event, str | EllipsisType) else (event, *args)),

    # Log the event emission if debug mode is enabled.
    if self.__logger.debug_enabled:
        self.__logger.debug(action="Emitting:", msg=f"{event_emission}")

    # Delegate the event emission execution to the event processor.