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Subscriber class

Bases: Generic[_InT], Observer[_InT], Subscription

A class that represents an Observer subscribed to an Observable.


  • This class combines the Observer interface with the Subscription base class, offering a convenient way to both respond to state changes emitted by an observable and manage the subscription lifecycle.

  • This class is not intended to be subclassed or instantiated directly.

Source code in pyventus/reactive/subscribers/
class Subscriber(Generic[_InT], Observer[_InT], Subscription):
    A class that represents an `Observer` subscribed to an `Observable`.


    -   This class combines the `Observer` interface with the `Subscription`
        base class, offering a convenient way to both respond to state changes
        emitted by an observable and manage the subscription lifecycle.

    -   This class is not intended to be subclassed or instantiated directly.

    # Attributes for the Subscriber
    __slots__ = ("__next_callback", "__error_callback", "__complete_callback")

    def __init__(
        teardown_callback: Callable[[Self], bool],
        next_callback: NextCallbackType[_InT] | None,
        error_callback: ErrorCallbackType | None,
        complete_callback: CompleteCallbackType | None,
        force_async: bool,
    ) -> None:
        Initialize an instance of `Subscriber`.

        :param teardown_callback: A callback function invoked during the unsubscription process to perform
            cleanup or teardown operations associated with the subscription. It should return `True` if the
            cleanup was successful, or `False` if the teardown has already been executed and the subscription
            is no longer active.
        :param next_callback: The callback to be executed when the observable emits a new value.
        :param error_callback: The callback to be executed when the observable encounters an error.
        :param complete_callback: The callback that will be executed when the observable has completed emitting values.
        :param force_async: Determines whether to force all callbacks to run asynchronously.
            If `True`, synchronous callbacks will be converted to run asynchronously in a
            thread pool, using the `asyncio.to_thread` function. If `False`, callbacks
            will run synchronously or asynchronously as defined.
        # Initialize the base Subscription class with the teardown callback

        # Ensure that at least one of the callbacks (next, error, or complete) is defined.
        if next_callback is None and error_callback is None and complete_callback is None:
            raise PyventusException("At least one of the callbacks (next, error, or complete) must be defined.")

        # Wrap and set the next callback, if provided
        self.__next_callback = (
            CallableWrapper[[_InT], None](
            if next_callback
            else None

        # Ensure that the next callback is not a generator.
        if self.__next_callback and self.__next_callback.is_generator:
            raise PyventusException("The 'next_callback' cannot be a generator.")

        # Wrap and set the error callback, if provided
        self.__error_callback = (
            CallableWrapper[[Exception], None](
            if error_callback
            else None

        # Ensure that the error callback is not a generator.
        if self.__error_callback and self.__error_callback.is_generator:
            raise PyventusException("The 'error_callback' cannot be a generator.")

        # Wrap and set the complete callback, if provided
        self.__complete_callback = (
            CallableWrapper[[], None](
            if complete_callback
            else None

        # Ensure that the complete callback is not a generator.
        if self.__complete_callback and self.__complete_callback.is_generator:
            raise PyventusException("The 'complete_callback' cannot be a generator.")

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return formatted_repr(
                + f", {super().__repr__()}"

    def has_next_callback(self) -> bool:
        Determine whether the subscriber has a next callback assigned.

        :return: `True` if the subscriber has a next callback assigned; otherwise, `False`.
        return self.__next_callback is not None

    def has_error_callback(self) -> bool:
        Determine whether the subscriber has an error callback assigned.

        :return: `True` if the subscriber has an error callback assigned; otherwise, `False`.
        return self.__error_callback is not None

    def has_complete_callback(self) -> bool:
        Determine whether the subscriber has a complete callback assigned.

        :return: `True` if the subscriber has a complete callback assigned; otherwise, `False`.
        return self.__complete_callback is not None

    async def next(self, value: _InT) -> None:
        if self.__next_callback is None:
            # If no next callback is set, exit early
            # Invoke the next callback with the provided value
            await self.__next_callback.execute(value)

    async def error(self, exception: Exception) -> None:
        if self.__error_callback is None:
            # If no error callback is set, exit early
            # Invoke the error callback with the provided exception
            await self.__error_callback.execute(exception)

    async def complete(self) -> None:
        if self.__complete_callback is None:
            # If no complete callback is set, exit early
            # Invoke the complete callback
            await self.__complete_callback.execute()

    def __getstate__(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
        # Retrieve the state of the base Subscription class
        state: dict[str, Any] = super().__getstate__()

        # Add the state of the Subscriber attributes
        state["__next_callback"] = self.__next_callback
        state["__error_callback"] = self.__error_callback
        state["__complete_callback"] = self.__complete_callback

        # Return the complete state for serialization
        return state

    def __setstate__(self, state: dict[str, Any]) -> None:
        # Restore the state of the base Subscription class

        # Restore the state of the Subscriber attributes
        self.__next_callback = state["__next_callback"]
        self.__error_callback = state["__error_callback"]
        self.__complete_callback = state["__complete_callback"]


timestamp property

timestamp: datetime

Retrieve the timestamp when the subscription was created.


The timestamp when the subscription was created.

has_next_callback property

has_next_callback: bool

Determine whether the subscriber has a next callback assigned.


True if the subscriber has a next callback assigned; otherwise, False.

has_error_callback property

has_error_callback: bool

Determine whether the subscriber has an error callback assigned.


True if the subscriber has an error callback assigned; otherwise, False.

has_complete_callback property

has_complete_callback: bool

Determine whether the subscriber has a complete callback assigned.


True if the subscriber has a complete callback assigned; otherwise, False.



unsubscribe() -> bool
Source code in pyventus/core/subscriptions/
def unsubscribe(self: Self) -> bool:
    return self.__teardown_callback(self)


__init__(teardown_callback: Callable[[Self], bool], next_callback: NextCallbackType[_InT] | None, error_callback: ErrorCallbackType | None, complete_callback: CompleteCallbackType | None, force_async: bool) -> None

Initialize an instance of Subscriber.


A callback function invoked during the unsubscription process to perform cleanup or teardown operations associated with the subscription. It should return True if the cleanup was successful, or False if the teardown has already been executed and the subscription is no longer active.

TYPE: Callable[[Self], bool]


The callback to be executed when the observable emits a new value.

TYPE: NextCallbackType[_InT] | None


The callback to be executed when the observable encounters an error.

TYPE: ErrorCallbackType | None


The callback that will be executed when the observable has completed emitting values.

TYPE: CompleteCallbackType | None


Determines whether to force all callbacks to run asynchronously. If True, synchronous callbacks will be converted to run asynchronously in a thread pool, using the asyncio.to_thread function. If False, callbacks will run synchronously or asynchronously as defined.

TYPE: bool

Source code in pyventus/reactive/subscribers/
def __init__(
    teardown_callback: Callable[[Self], bool],
    next_callback: NextCallbackType[_InT] | None,
    error_callback: ErrorCallbackType | None,
    complete_callback: CompleteCallbackType | None,
    force_async: bool,
) -> None:
    Initialize an instance of `Subscriber`.

    :param teardown_callback: A callback function invoked during the unsubscription process to perform
        cleanup or teardown operations associated with the subscription. It should return `True` if the
        cleanup was successful, or `False` if the teardown has already been executed and the subscription
        is no longer active.
    :param next_callback: The callback to be executed when the observable emits a new value.
    :param error_callback: The callback to be executed when the observable encounters an error.
    :param complete_callback: The callback that will be executed when the observable has completed emitting values.
    :param force_async: Determines whether to force all callbacks to run asynchronously.
        If `True`, synchronous callbacks will be converted to run asynchronously in a
        thread pool, using the `asyncio.to_thread` function. If `False`, callbacks
        will run synchronously or asynchronously as defined.
    # Initialize the base Subscription class with the teardown callback

    # Ensure that at least one of the callbacks (next, error, or complete) is defined.
    if next_callback is None and error_callback is None and complete_callback is None:
        raise PyventusException("At least one of the callbacks (next, error, or complete) must be defined.")

    # Wrap and set the next callback, if provided
    self.__next_callback = (
        CallableWrapper[[_InT], None](
        if next_callback
        else None

    # Ensure that the next callback is not a generator.
    if self.__next_callback and self.__next_callback.is_generator:
        raise PyventusException("The 'next_callback' cannot be a generator.")

    # Wrap and set the error callback, if provided
    self.__error_callback = (
        CallableWrapper[[Exception], None](
        if error_callback
        else None

    # Ensure that the error callback is not a generator.
    if self.__error_callback and self.__error_callback.is_generator:
        raise PyventusException("The 'error_callback' cannot be a generator.")

    # Wrap and set the complete callback, if provided
    self.__complete_callback = (
        CallableWrapper[[], None](
        if complete_callback
        else None

    # Ensure that the complete callback is not a generator.
    if self.__complete_callback and self.__complete_callback.is_generator:
        raise PyventusException("The 'complete_callback' cannot be a generator.")

next async

next(value: _InT) -> None
Source code in pyventus/reactive/subscribers/
async def next(self, value: _InT) -> None:
    if self.__next_callback is None:
        # If no next callback is set, exit early
        # Invoke the next callback with the provided value
        await self.__next_callback.execute(value)

error async

error(exception: Exception) -> None
Source code in pyventus/reactive/subscribers/
async def error(self, exception: Exception) -> None:
    if self.__error_callback is None:
        # If no error callback is set, exit early
        # Invoke the error callback with the provided exception
        await self.__error_callback.execute(exception)

complete async

complete() -> None
Source code in pyventus/reactive/subscribers/
async def complete(self) -> None:
    if self.__complete_callback is None:
        # If no complete callback is set, exit early
        # Invoke the complete callback
        await self.__complete_callback.execute()